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Home Culture, Faith Ukraine disrupts the Russian church’s imperial vision – Eurasianet

Ukraine disrupts the Russian church’s imperial vision – Eurasianet


Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko scoffed at Putin’s claim. “Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv baptized not Russia, but Ukraine,” Poroshenko said on the eve of the anniversary in an interview with Serbian television. “Ukraine’s Mother Church – is [the Patriarchate of] Constantinople; historically, Ukraine acted as the mother for the Russian Orthodox Church. It was exactly like this, and not vice versa.” (Aricle)

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“Already from the early 14thcentury, when the see of the Kyivan Metropolis was moved without the canonical permission of the Mother Church to Moscow, there have been tireless efforts on the part of our Kyivan brothers for independence from ecclesiastical control by the Moscow center.” (Patriarch’s Address to Synaxis

Ukrainians who are not even believers are happy about it.

  1. Because it proves one extra time that Russia is not an “elder brother” to Ukraine. In many senses, Moscow is an ungrateful stepdaughter who stole property and name from Ukraine.
  2. It is Ukraine who is the only rightful heir of Kiev Rus.
  3. Time to uproot KGB-run churches all over Ukraine.



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