Monument to legendary founders of Kyiv


“… There were three brothers, Kyi, Shchek, and Khoriv, and their sister was named Lybid. Kyi lived upon the hill where the Borichev trail now is [Andriivskyi descent], and Shchek dwelt upon the hill now named Shchekovitsa, while on the third [hill] resided Khoriv, after whom this hill is named Khorevitsa. They built a town and named it Kyiv after their oldest brother. Around the town lay a wood and a great pine forest in which they used to catch wild beasts. These men were wise and prudent; they were called Polyanians, and there are Polyanians descended from them living in Kyiv to this day. Some ignorant persons have claimed that Kiy was a ferryman, for near Kyiv there was at that time a ferry from the other side of the river, in consequence of which people used to say, “To Kyi’s ferry.” Now if Kyi had been a mere ferryman, he would never have gone to Tsar’grad [Constantinople]. He was then the chief of his kin, and it is related what great honor he received from the Emperor in whose reign he visited the imperial court. (Primary Chronicle]

According to the Chronicles, the founding of the city took place in 482. It means that in May of 2024, Kyiv celebrated the 1542 Anniversary of its Foundation.

Monyment 2
Monyment 2 — u-krane
Monument Lybid
Monument lybid — u-krane

The ‘Gardariki, Ukraine” book has a new perspective on the legendary founders’ origin.

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