Home Sightseeing Ukraine

Sightseeing Ukraine

Ukraine, the homeland of Scythians [Video]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1OVwuCdkK4 The "Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv Rus" book has very important additional information on the topic.

Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...

In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The...

Zaporozhian Rapids were flooded by the Hydroelectric Station projected by the American engineers

The DniproHES project used the experience gained from the construction of the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Stations at Niagara Falls,...

Pink lake in Ukraine attracts visitors for beauty, therapeutic healing – GlobalNews Canada


25 things you didn’t know about Ukraine, the heart of Europe – Telegraph


“Tunnel of Love” originally was used to conceal the transport of military hardware –...

In the centuries-old city of Klevan, Ukraine, a railroad track cuts through the trees shaping a tunnel, appropriately named the...

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was created in the 11th century to rival Hagia...

"Designed to rival Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Kyiv's Saint-Sophia Cathedral symbolizes the 'new Constantinople', capital of the Christian principality of Kyiv,...

Ukraine’s Pripyat River Is Like A Work of Art From Space

American astronaut Tim Kopra while orbiting Earth as part of an expedition in 2016, made a picture of this amazingly beautiful...

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