Home Sightseeing Ukraine

Sightseeing Ukraine

Pink lake in Ukraine attracts visitors for beauty, therapeutic healing – GlobalNews Canada


Stop Overlooking Kyiv, Eastern Europe’s Diamond In The Rough, – Forbes

"...there are some seriously cool things happening in the city. Things that is setting Kyiv up to have a moment...

Kyiv’s Museum of Microminiatures: The Biggest Collection of Tiny Things, – The Daily Beast

"Hidden inside a Kiev religious complex lies the mind-blowing Museum of Microminiatures, which holds ships carved out of gold, books of...

Toughest Open-Air Gym in Europe

It is situated right in the center of Kyiv, on the island amidst Dnieper river which divides Kyiv on two almost equal parts - "left...

Bees’ survival is crucial for humankind. This single invention started saving bees and made...

"We all depend on the survival of bees,” – states the United Nations explaining the reason for designating May 20 as...

Kyiv is the greenest capital city of Europe

"Using a method that processes satellite imagery and detects pixel types, Gärtner has generated the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)...

Who really owns borsch – BBC

"The problem with this statement is that Ancient Rus was centred in Kyiv (Kiev in Russian), now the capital of...

Largest open-air museum in Europe

At the outskirt of Kyiv there is a unique Pyrohiv National Museum of Ukrainian Architecture & Culture which has examples of typical Ukrainian...

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was created in the 11th century to rival Hagia...

"Designed to rival Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Kyiv's Saint-Sophia Cathedral symbolizes the 'new Constantinople', capital of the Christian principality of Kyiv,...

Largest Aviation Museum in Eastern Europe

CNN ranked it as # 6 in the WORLD actually. Ahead are only Aviation museums in France (1), UK (1) and the USA (3). "This museum houses one...

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