Silver finger-ring; bezel a cast disc; nielloed foliate decoration; moulded and incised shoulders; hoop a band.
Image id: 00548530001
Object type: finger-ring
Technique: cast, inlaid, incised
Findspot: Street of the Three Saints
Materials: silver, niello
Period/culture: Kyivan Rus”” / Kievan Rus””
Production place: Ukraine
Production date: 12thC
Department: Britain, Europe & Prehistory
Object reference number: 1907,0520.19
File size:
55.71 MB – 4999 x 3895px
42.32cm x 32.98cm @300ppi
Kyiv Hoard of 1842 found near Desiatynna Church: how a Russian stole Ukraine’s National Treasure >
The symbol on the ring resembles symbols of the Bosporan Kingdom whose capital was in the area of present-day Kerch in Crimea. The “Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv Rus‘ book has a closer look at the history and artifacts of the Bosporan Kingdom among many other things. “Gardariki, Ukraine” ebook is a version of that book.