Ukrainian Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force credited for initiation of GPS: Michael...

But Yarymovych knew the idea of space-based navigation was beautiful; it just wasn’t being sold right. He went to his...

Igor Sikorsky: ‘My family is of Ukrainian origin’. Official document

When one opens Igor Sikorsky's Wikipedia page, in the "Early Life" paragraph one can read the following sentence: "When questioned regarding his...

Monuments to Igor Sikorsky in Kyiv opened by Mayor Vitaly Klitschko

Igor Sikorsky was born in Kyiv and achieved world fame while still living in it. For example, he set the World...

Igor Sikorsky’s record-breaking 1,200 km-long flight on ‘Ilya Muromets’ plane from Petrograd to Kyiv...

"There was one more important test flight as well as demonstration left to be accomplished, namely a long journey across the...

Igor Sikorsky’s ‘Ilya Muromets Kyivsky’ WW1 plane was World’s First Strategic Bomber

"I want to recommend urgently the speedy construction of the new type of huge bomber.” "I have no question in my mind...

Igor Sikorsky assembled his first helicopters while still a student in his native Kyiv

In the autobiography "The Story of the Winged-S", Igor Sikorsky recalled: "I had several hobbies. For a time I was making...

Igor Sikorsky with his ‘Ilya Muromets’ plane in Kyiv in 1914

"Very few people had come to the field because our plane was not expected on that rainy morning. The Secretary of...

Igor Sikorsky decided to build World’s First Four-Engine Airplane while still living in his...

"The general idea of a large flying ship with several motors, and comfortable closed cabins, had been an ideal for a long time, but none...

Igor Sikorsky’s First Trial Helicopter Assembled in Kyiv in 1909

As time went on, I became well acquainted with the various aeronautical engines, having spent much time in a few factories,...

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