Russians are semi-Asiatic, drilled, but not civilized; they resemble ‘trained bears who make you...
"Russians… tread in the steps of European elegance, without knowing that refinement of habits has no value except as it announces the existence of...
Russians hurl accusations at their victims in order to justify their own rancor; They...
"During his change of horse-relays, Turgenev asked to see Custine. There then ensued, presumably at the postal station, a most curious verbal exchange, the...
Russian ‘Czar’ title is of Oriental origin, – Marquise de Custine
"The princes who now possess this sacred asylum of oriental despotism call themselves Europeans, because they have chased the Calmucs, their brethren, their...
The Russians of our times are the worthy children of the subjects of Ivan...
"The social, intellectual, and political state of present Russia is the result, and, so to speak, the resume, of the reigns of Ivan IV.,...
Kremlin, Sacred Asylum of Oriental Despotism, Palace of Tyrant, – Marquis de Custine in...
"The Kremlin is not like any other palace, it is a city in itself; a city that forms the ioot of Moscow, and that...
Phony ‘Potemkin villages’ explain a lot about Russian mindset, – Marquis de Custine in...
"In the midst of the fetes of Petersburg, I cannot forget the journey of Empress Catherine into the Crimea, and the facades of vilages,...
Russian nation is like a slave who standing on his knees dreams of the...
This nation − at its heart conquering, greedy by dint of deprivation − atones in advance, at home, through a debasing submission, in...
‘Russians enjoy Slavery more than Freedom,’ – German Diplomat Sigismund von Herberstein in ‘Notes...
Sigismund von Herberstein (1486–1566) was a diplomat, writer, historian, and member of the Holy Roman Empire Imperial Council. He was most noted for his extensive writing on...
German leaflet of 1561 depicting the Muscovite war atrocities in the area of present-day...
"The earliest illustrated Livonian War pamphlet – “Sehr grewliche, erschröckliche, vor unerhörte, warhafftige Newe Zeitung was für grausame Tyrannei der Moscoviter ...” which translates...
Veche Assembly of Kyiv Rus: Scandinavians had a similar tradition, Muscovites never did
Per Wikipedia, Veche was a popular assembly during the Middle Ages. The veche is mentioned during the times of Kyiv Rus and it later became a powerful institution in Russian cities...