Moscow prohibited Ukrainian language in Ukraine over 100 times in past 300 years


Basically, it all started with that imposter Peter I (‘the Great’).

1720: A decree by Tsar Peter I banned the printing of books in Ukraine
1753: A decree by Catherine II prohibited teaching in the Ukrainian language.
1768: A decree from the Synod of the russian Orthodox Church called for the confiscation of Ukrainian primers from the population.
1775: Closure of Ukrainian schools after russian troops destroyed the Zaporizhian Sich.

Below is the Wikipedia list of the major attempts for the 19th century only. Note that the Russians called themselves “Great Russians,” while they called Ukrainians “Little Russians”.

  • 1804 – according to a special royal decree in the Russian empire, all Ukrainian-language schools were banned, which led to the complete degradation of the Ukrainian population.[5]
  • 1832 – Reorganization of education in Ukraine on the empire-wide principles and transforming all teaching into Russian language[2]
  • 1847 – The crackdown on the Brotherhood of Cyril and Methodius and increased persecution of the Ukrainian language and culture, the prohibition of the best works of ShevchenkoKulishKostomarov and others.[2]
  • 1862 – Closing Ukrainian Sunday schools for adults in the Russian part of Ukraine.[2]
  • 1863 – Valuev Circular prohibiting censors from giving permission to the publication of Ukrainian spiritual and popular educational literature: “there was, is not and could not have been a separate Little Russian language“.[2]
  • 1864 – Adoption of the Charter of the primary school at which education was to be conducted only in Russian.[2]
  • 1864 – Adoption of the Charter of the primary school at which education was to be conducted only in Russian.[2]
  • 1870 – Comment of Minister of Education of Russia Dmitry Tolstoy that “the ultimate goal of education for all inorodtsy (non-Russians, literally “people of other descent”), is unarguably their Russification.”[2]
  • 1876 – Alexander II‘s Ems decree banning the printing and import from abroad of any Ukrainian literature, and to ban Ukrainian stage performances and Ukrainian lyrics in music scores, that is folk songs.[6]
  • 1881 – Prohibition of teaching in the public schools and conducting church sermons in Ukrainian.[2]
  • 1884 – the ban by Alexander III of Ukrainian theater in all the provinces of Little Russia.[2]
  • 1888 – a decree by Alexander III banned the use of the Ukrainian language in official institutions and of Ukrainian given names. [2]
  • 1892 – Prohibition to translate books from Russian into Ukrainian.[2]
  • 1895 – Prohibition by the Main Administration of Printing to publish Ukrainian-language children’s books.[2]

130 years ago, the Ukrainian-speaking area was not limited by Ukraine’s boundaries, but also some parts of Muscovy and Belarus spoke the Ukrainian language (see the red area, that’s the result of the Muscovite Empire census in 1897, when people identified themselves by the language). So, when someone says that some region of Ukraine is “russian-speaking”, read the above list again. It’s a miracle that the Ukrainian language survived, but it is finally time to let it gain its strength again.

Why did the Muscovites have such a hatred towards the Ukrainian language? Most likely, because they know that the language in itself can have a secret Moscow does not want the world to know?

The following article may have an answer what kind of secret it can be >

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