Veche Assembly of Kyiv Rus: Scandinavians had a similar tradition, Muscovites never did


Per Wikipedia, Veche was a popular assembly during the Middle Ages. The veche is mentioned during the times of Kyiv Rus and it later became a powerful institution in Russian cities such as Novgorod and Pskov, where the veche acquired great prominence and was broadly similar to the Norse Thing or the Swiss Landsgemeinde. The last veche meeting was held in Pskov before the institution was abolished in 1510.”

The phrase ‘later became a powerful institution in Russian cities” is a misleading lie and an example of how Muscovy forges history. The Chronicle of Novgorod mentions veche in that city in the year 1015 and it was an appeal of the-then Prince Yaroslav the Wise to the Novgorodians to support his claim to become the King of Kyiv after the death of his father, Vladimir the Great. In 1015, Novgorod was a city of Kyiv Rus, and not some ‘Russian’ city. As a reminder, Novgorod was annihilated by Moscow in 1570. De Custine, quoted in that article, also reported that ‘… the Bell of the Veche has ceased to summon the people of Novgorod, formerly the most glorious and the most turbulent of the Rus populations, to deliberate upon their own affairs.” Moscow repossessed the Bell of Veche from Novgorod, but did it use it? Did it transplant the Veche tradition? No, there was no veche in Moscow ever.

That is yet one more proof that Ukrainians are brotherly nation to Scandinavians but not to Muscovites >

And that Muscovy-Russia is not a successor of Kyiv Rus, but a replica of the Golden Horde >

Yaroslav’s Speech at Novgorod Veche is quoted in the “Kyiv Rus in Heimsklingla Sagas and Byzantine Texts” book.

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