Gog and Magog of the Bible. Sviatoslav the Brave and the nation of Rosy....
Old Testament, Book of Ezekiel, 38, 1-3. "And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face toward Gog,...
Funeral ritual performed by warriors of Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv after the Battle...
The battles during the Siege of Dorostolon were fought in 971 on Bulgarian soil between the Byzantine Empire and forces of Kyiv Rus. Byzantine court historian...
Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv was of Tauroscythian Royal Descent. Just like Anacharsis and...
Byzantine court historian and chronicler Leo the Deacon (born c. 950) who is particularly known for his eyewitness description of Sviatoslav I of Kyiv during the latter's invasion...
Amazon Sarcophagus from Terquinii, Etruscan Culture
The sarcophagus, painted with various scenes of an Amazonomachia, was discovered in 1869 in a grave at a little distance from Corneto, a city in...
Scythians making human leather of their enemies described by Herodotus has been confirmed by...
Ancient nomads known as the Scythians did indeed use human skin for the containers that held their arrows—confirming the account of the ancient Greek...
Should Ukraine return to Crimea its historic name of Taurica?
Wikipedia quote: "Called the Tauric Peninsula until the early modern period (16-19th c.), Crimea has historically been at the boundary between the classical world and the steppe......
Achilles and Ukraine
“Sing, Goddess, of the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles,” is the opening line of the Iliad. Achilles was the warrior who became the very symbol...
Geometric Secrets of Varna Artifacts: Golden Bulls
Bulgarian mathematician Hristo Smolenov in his article for the American Journal of Applied Mathematics published in 2021 expressed his confidence that the ancient codes were embedded...
Androphagi-Cannibals of the ancient Europe described by Herodotus lived in the area of present-day...
"These farming Scythians inhabit a land stretching eastward a three days' journey to a river called Panticapes, and northward as far as an eleven...
World’s Oldest Gold in the Wealthiest Burial of the 5th Millennium B.C. First Kings...
In October 1972, near the modern-day city of Varna in Bulgaria a vast Copper Age necropolis dating to the 5th Millennium BC was discovered...