Scythian golden gorytos found in Ukraine with the scenes of the Achilleid epic that...

The gorytos (bow-and-arrow holder) dates to the 4th century BC and it has the key scenes of the Achilleid epic that would be...
Gold Comb, Solokha barrow, Ukraine

Scythians had enormous stature and were a terrifying sight for enemies

"In the daytime, however, the first thing to meet the Macedonians would be the terrifying sight of Scythians and Bactrians with...

Krasnokutsk Scythian Barrow & northern European beast-style millennium later

"In the same neighbourhood as Chertomlyk is the Krasnokutsk barrow. In its mound Zabélin found the fragments of a funeral car...

In antiquity, Ukrainian Snake island had colossal statue of Apollo on it taken to...

The authors of a recent article in The Daily Beast shared an opinion that according to the legends, Achilles supposedly went...

Scythian sword in golden scabbard from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan

The Golden Pectoral and the Scythian sword in golden scabbards were saved by the large chunk of earth that had fallen...

Unique Pole top with Papaiosa [Scythian Zeus] and Scythian World Tree 

"The only gods they try to appease are Hestia, who is their most important divinity, Zeus, and Earth," whom they consider...

Scythian Trousers

As can be seen in the title image, the horserider on the Solokha comb was portrayed wearing wide trousers known also...

Chalcidian-type helmet found in Ukraine, circa 500 BC

According to Wikipedia, a Chalcidian type helmet was a helmet made of bronze and was worn by ancient warriors of the...

Scythian Queen from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan: could she be the famous Queen Tirgatao?

Scholars date Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan to the first half of the 4th century B.C. She was given a very sumptious burial...

Which famous Ukrainians could represent Royal Scythians?

News Site in the USA: "Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra”, a four-part docuseries exploring the life and reign of Cleopatra, was released this...

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