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Crane Dance and Hyperborean Cult in Ancient Greece

Below are several quotes from the works of Robert Graves: "It is not known what sort of a dance...

‘Monkey and Cranes’ Gold Relief Overlay from Lytoi Scythian Kurgan in Ukraine

The two birds on the plaque were identified as cranes by Gerhard Friedrich Müller (although others see in them herons which is hard to...

‘Battle of Pygmies with Cranes’ theme in the Bosporan Kingdom: Flight of Soul to...

The legend of the Battle of Pygmies with Cranes was very popular in the Bosporan Kingdom in ancient times. As a reminder, the Bosporan...

Battle of Pygmies and Cranes: Pre-Homeric route from Scythia to Africa

Homer in the Iliad: With shouts the Trojans, rushing from afar,  Proclaim their motions, and provoke the war  So when inclement winters vex the plain  With piercing frosts, or...

Scythian Colored Ornament Patterns on Leather from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan

The man in the central grave of Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan had a cuirass on him. The cuirass pauldrons (shoulder pads) had pieces of thick...

Scythian Queen from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan: A Pendant Earring

"Cradle of Civilizations" book has rare images of a similar set from a famous barrow near the Azov Sea. < PREVIOUS

Sculptured birds on Golden Pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan

"Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv Rus" book has some insights about Gorden Pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla.

Scythian Faces on Golden Pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan, Ukraine

B. Mozolevsky while commenting on the details of the world-famous Golden Pectoral he discovered in Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan, noted the size of the heads...

Curious Horse Burials in Tovsta Mogyla Kyrgan: ‘Yin-Yang’ pattern?

As a rule, the higher the kurgan, the more horses were buried in it. From this perspective, although almost 9 meters tall Tovsta Mogyla...