Catherine II (‘the Great’) employed utmost artifice to keep secret the true history of...

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe: "There is nothing...

U.S. bombed Romanian oil refineries in WW2 for the same reason Ukraine bombs Russian...

Operation Tidal Wave was an air attack by bombers of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) based in Libya on nine oil...

Muscovy-Russia paid tribute to Crimean Khans until the Treaty of Constantinople was signed in...

The Treaty of Constantinople was concluded on 13 July 1700. The Tsardom of Russia and the Ottoman Empire agreed on a truce...

Russia’s attempts to destroy Ukraine in the past 300 years

True reason behind this hatred > < Real nature of the Muscovites and glimpse into their history

‘Russian Peace’ is the triumph of Evil: Pope Francis gets a powerful reply from...

Last week, Pope Francis provoked outrage by saying Ukraine 'should raise white flag' to end war with Russia. Among many powerful replies...

’20 Days in Mariupol’ Documentary brings Ukraine its first Oscar

Director Mstyslav Chernov while accepting the Best Documentary Feature Oscar for 20 Days In Mariupol: “This is the first Oscar in...

Russia should be renamed back to Muscovy, Ukraine insists

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova made a propaganda statement about the transformation of Ukraine into “anti-Russia.“The man in the bunker...

Anthropology of Indigenous ‘Russians’. A. Uvarov’s excavations of Meryan settlements near Moscow

Starting in 1851, Count Aleksey Uvarov, a Russian archeologist often considered to be the founder of the study of the prehistory of...

Muscovy-Russia on the map of the Mongolian Empire

Ex-Mongolian Leader Shares Empire Map to Mock Putin's Ukraine Claims Putin has relied on historical borders to argue Ukraine is part of...

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