‘Kremlin’ derives from Tartar word for fortress


British traveler of the 18th century Dr. Clarke sounded very confident describing the etymology of the word ‘Kremlin‘. In his bestselling book ‘Travels in Russia”, he stated that “the Kremle is derived from the Tartar word Tcrim, or krem, which signifies a fortress. It is situated on the north side of the Moskva [River], which flows below it, and it is triangular in form.” Edward Clarke also let his readers know of the effect the Tartars had on the city and its population: “…Tartars were lords of Moscow with the tsars themselves being obliged to stand in the presence of their ambassadors, while the latter sat at meat, and to endure the most humiliating ceremonies. Basilovich shook off the Tartar yoke; but it was a long time before the Russians, always children of imitation, ceased to mimic a people by whom they had been conquered. They had neither arts nor opinions of their own: everything in Moscow was Tartarian: dress, manners, buildings, equipages, in short, all except religion and language.” Even Dostoyevsky had to admit: “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar“. As for the ‘Russian’ language, it is in reality a very simplified Ukrainian language with a heavy presence of Asiatic vocabulary. For example, the Russian word for money – denga – is borrowed from Mongolian tenge. (see Wikipedia). You may also want to learn a Harvard Professor’s view on the early history of Moscow and Russian Orthodoxy >

The facts above prove one extra time that Russia has the same relation to Kyiv Rus as the Guinea Pig has to the Republic of Guinea. None.

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