Leonid Shavrey received the highest radiation dosage among all Chornobyl Firefighters. He survived thanks to Kyiv doctors and lived till 2012


Per the Wikipedia page, Leonid M. Shavrey was a Firefighter from the nuclear power plant’s fire station (ВПЧ-2). Leonid was among the first firemen to arrive at 1:28 am. He was the first man on the roof of the turbine hall. Leonid was placed on firewatch by Major Telyatnikov at 3:00 am and remained on the roof until 5:00 am. He was hospitalized with 2nd-degree ARS, receiving an approximate 200 REM dose. He survived his treatment and died in 2012.

Adam Higginbotham in his prize-winning Midnight in Chernobyl writes the following: “Firefighter Leonid Shavrey from the already legendary subdivision of Lieutenant V. Pravik, stayed at his post that night on the roof of the reactor to stop the fire from spreading further. He was really hot; he even tossed his helmet aside at one point. The night was just a night, the fire just a fire; he noticed nothing supernatural. It was only when he came down that the taste of a cigarette suddenly seemed sweetly nauseating…

A fatal dose of radiation is estimated at around 500 rem—roentgen equivalent man—or the amount absorbed by the average human body when exposed to a field of 500 roentgen per hour for sixty minutes. In some places on the roof of Unit Three, lumps of uranium fuel and graphite were emitting gamma and neutron radiation at a rate of 3,000 roentgen an hour. In others, levels may have reached more than 8,000 roentgen an hour: there, a man would absorb a lethal dose in less than four minutes. Petrovsky’s loss of vision was sudden and total and endured for only thirty seconds. But it seemed to last an eternity and filled him with terror. When his eyesight returned as unexpectedly as it had left, the sergeant’s courage had deserted him. “Fuck this, Vanya!” he shouted to Shavrey. “Let’s get the fuck out of here!” On the other side of the complex, Ivan Shavrey’s older brother, Leonid, had been fighting the fires on the roof of the turbine hall…”

Ukrainian writer Yury Shcherbak in his 1986 Chornobyl book: “In the brigade there also worked the three Shavrei brothers, Belarusians. The youngest, Petro, worked as a brigade inspector, and Leonid, the eldest, and Ivan, the one in between, worked in the third guard. Leonid was thirty-five,  Ivan was two or three years younger, and Petro was thirty. Their attitude to work was: if you have to, you do it.”

In an interview with one of the central Ukrainian media in 2020, Petro Shavrey said the following: “My elder brother Leonid received 600 Roentgen. The boys who died in Moscow had 400-450, and only one had – 500. That is for the reason that they were treated in Moscow [they died], and we – in Kyiv, by Leonid Petrovych Kindzelsly [that is why we lived].

This statement confirms what was said in the previous article about Kyiv Dr. Kindzelsky and his method and debunks the Moscow lies that Moscow recieved the firefighters with the highest radaiation dosages >

Petro Shavrei’s 2020 interview with some details of how they turned out in Kyiv hospital >

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