Most famous Scythian silver vase/amphora from Chertomlyk Kurgan


The amphora was found in an impressive kurgan in the vicinity of Nikopol city in Ukraine. It dates to the 4th century B.C. “The center of Chertomlyk barrow was 20 meters high and 60 meters in diameter, although the additional chambers ran to a distance of additional 150 meters. The barrow was surrounded by a stone plinth, and a stone alley led to it across the steppe.” – as the barrow is described in “Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv Rus” book.

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There is a great probability that Scythian king Atheas was buried in the Chertomlyk barrow. The king is famous by the fact that at age of 90 years he fought against Philip II of Macedon and was killed in the battle. There are conflicting reports about how the battle ended. It is possible that Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, received his leg wound in that battle and had to retreat after the loss.

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