Muscovy-Russia on the map of the Mongolian Empire


Ex-Mongolian Leader Shares Empire Map to Mock Putin’s Ukraine Claims

  • Putin has relied on historical borders to argue Ukraine is part of Russia and to justify the war.
  • Mongolia’s former president shared a map of the Mongol Empire, which included parts of Russia.
  • “After Putin’s talk. I found Mongolian historic map. Don’t worry. We are a peaceful and free nation,” he wrote.

The former president of Mongolia mocked Russian President Vladimir Putin over the weekend and his focus on history to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine. Putin has frequently used historical borders to rationalize his brutal invasion, arguing that Russia has a claim over Ukraine even though Ukraine is an independent country.In his interview with the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson last week, Putin outlined centuries of Russian and European history. Historians say much of the history he gave doesn’t stand up.

 On X, Tsakhia Elbegdorj, Mongolia’s president between 2009 and 2017 and its former prime minister, poked fun at Putin’s argument. He shared maps showing how large the Mongol Empire was, with it once controlling parts of what is now Russia.

“After Putin’s talk. I found Mongolian historic map. Don’t worry. We are a peaceful and free nation,” Elbegdorj wrote. The maps he shared also showed how small Russia was in the 15th century. The Mongol Empire was once the largest in the world. Its territory covered much of Eurasia and included modern-day China and much of Russia, as well as Ukraine.

Today, Mongolia, between China and Russia, is a smaller country, but it’s still one of the world’s largest nations in terms of overall landmass. Mongolia’s government has not supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, though it has not outright condemned it. But Elbegdorj has been vocal in his support for Ukraine. He wrote in February 2023: “The world’s democracies must rally with even greater resolve to declare that freedom is non-negotiable, and to give Ukraine the weapons it needs to win.”

He added: “I know Putin does not tolerate freedom. I have sat with him on many occasions. He despises differences and competition. He fears a free Ukraine. As a deep narcissist, he could not afford to see more successful and prosperous neighbors.” (Original article in The Business Insider)

A couple of corrections though –

First, the true name of ‘Russia’ at the time was Muscovy. And the Mongols were the ones who made Moscow the capital of that realm btw (read Harvard Prof. Richard Pipes’ quotes on the subject).

Second, Kyiv freed itself from the Mongols within 80 years. It happened before Moscow was made the capital of a Mongolian province. Read the quotes from a Yale Prof. Timothy Snyder’s book >

Even Karl Marx knew the true origin of the ‘Russians’: “The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy.”

Etymology of the word ‘Kremlin>

For those looking for details, check the “Gardariki, Ukraine” ebook.

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