Only Ukraine is true ‘Russia’. Muscovy is a successor of the Golden Horde


Paul of Aleppo and other historians of the 16-17th centuries, used the term ‘Russia‘ to describe the area of former Kyiv Rus that was, in Paul of Aleppo’s opinion, an Empire in the times of Vladimir the Great of Kyiv. The term ‘Muscovy‘ he used to describe the province controlled by Moscow which used to be Rostov-Suzdal principality or Moxel in the times of Kyiv Rus realm.

Moscow’s theft of Kyiv’s legacy is the major reason for the current war >

Muscovy, replica of the Golden Horde >

Gardariki, Ukraine‘ e-book has more insights and facts about the two realms. It shows how Muscovy forged historic documents to steal Ukraine’s legacy and name.

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