Philip Kotler, Ukrainian-American Father of Modern Marketing


Philip Kotler (born May 27, 1931) is an American marketing author, consultant, and Professor Emeritus; the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (1962–2018). He is known for popularizing the definition of marketing mix. He is the author of over 80 books, including Marketing ManagementPrinciples of MarketingKotler on MarketingMarketing Insights from A to ZMarketing 4.0Marketing PlacesMarketing of NationsChaotics, Market Your Way to Growth, Winning Global Markets, Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations, Social Marketing, Social Media Marketing, My Adventures in Marketing, Up and Out of Poverty, and Winning at Innovation. Kotler describes strategic marketing as serving as “the link between society’s needs and its pattern of industrial response.” Kotler helped create the field of social marketing that focuses on helping individuals and groups modify their behaviors toward healthier and safer living styles. He also created the concept of “demarketing” to aid in the task of reducing the level of demand. He developed the concepts of “prosumers,” “atmospherics,” and “societal marketing.” He is regarded as “The Father of Modern Marketing” by many scholars. Philip Kotler’s parents, Betty and Maurice were born in the Chernigovskaya region of Ukraine (that time occupied by the Russian Empire) and emigrated in 1917 as teenagers.”

Kotler is a corrupted form of an occupational surname Kotliar, meaning “boilermaker” in Ukrainian language. The most famous Ukrainian last name of the same etymology is Ivan Kotliarevsky – Wikipedia.

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