Pope, a Devil’s Advocate: Pope Francis fails again to call on Moscow to stop the war


Update Dec. 16, 2024. “During Sunday prayer on Dec. 15, Pope Francis referred to Russia and Ukraine as “brothers,” while reiterating calls for peace in Russia’s war against Ukraine. “They are brothers, cousins. Let them come to an understanding. War is always a defeat. Peace to the whole world,” the pope said during a visit to the French island of Corsica.” (yahoo.com)

Comment: When Cain was contemplating killing Abel, God was talking to Cain trying to dissuade him from doing evil. That is what Pope should have been doing all along (even though he mistakingly thinks that Ukrainians and Russians are related in any way (spoiler – they are not). Calling on ‘both parties’ means equating Agressor and Defender and that is not morally valid stance.

Update Oct. 14, 2024. Pope Francis on Twitter: “I appeal for Ukrainians not to be left to die of cold, and that air attacks on the civilian population must cease, as they are always the most affected. Stop killing innocent people!” Whom is he addressing? Who should stop killing innocent people? Maybe his appeal is to the Romans?

Update Aug. 25, 2024. “Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of Catholics and the head of the Vatican State, criticized the Ukrainian government’s decision to ban the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church linked to the Moscow Patriarchate.During his traditional Sunday prayer… Regarding Ukraine’s decision to ban churches affiliated with the Moscow Patriarchate, Pope Francis said: “I continue to follow the conflicts in Ukraine and the Russian Federation with great pain, and I am concerned about the recent laws passed in Ukraine… No Christian church should be closed, directly or indirectly. Churches are inviolable,” he added.”

Update March 12, 2924. Pope Francis urged Ukraine to raise white flag.

Original story Aug. 30. 2023. During his televised address to the Russian Catholic youth, a clip of which was posted online, Pope Francis told those in the audience to hold on to the ‘legacy’ of a ‘great empire’: “Never forget your heritage. You are the heirs of great Russia: great Russia of the saints, of large Russia of Peter I, of Catherine II, of that empire – great, enlightened, of big culture and big humanity. Never reject that heritage… You are heirs of great Mother Russia. Go forward with it… Thank you for your way to exist, for your way to be Russian”. The Pope’s decision to praise Russia’s imperialist past, especially considering the Kremlin’s ongoing war in Ukraine sparked instant outrage. People in Eastern Europe desired to remind Pope Francis that Catherine II was the one who almost annihilated the Polish Commonwealth and that the Catholics of Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus raised uprisings three times against that “enlightened empire”. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church also condemned the pope’s words with the Chairman of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Svyatoslav Shevchuk said in a statement: “The examples given by the Holy Father actually contradict his teachings on peace, since he has always condemned any form of manifestation of imperialism in the modern world and warned of the dangers of extreme nationalism, stressing that it is the cause of the ‘third world war in segments.” Pope Francis made some other controversial remarks, seemingly blaming NATO for the war Russia started against Ukraine. He has also refused to denounce Putin by name. In this aspect, Pope Francis starts resembling Pope Pius XII who, according to historians, used a Nazi prince to negotiate with Adolf Hitler. Update: Lithuania Summoned Vatican Ambassador.

The WSJ article shows that World War II-era Pope Pius XII was aware thousands of Jews were being killed in Nazi gas chambers, undercutting earlier Vatican arguments justifying the pope’s wartime silence on the Holocaust

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“Gardariki, Ukraine” ebook explores the ways Moscow forged history to steal Kyiv’s legacy.

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