Scythian Battle-Scene Golden Comb from Solokha Kurgan in Ukraine


Famous Scythologist and Dr. of History Anastasia Mantsevich (1899-1982) in her book “Kurgan Solokha” wrote that the bronze helmet found on the head of the Scythian warlord buried in Solokha kurgan resembled the helmet on the head of the horserider on the Solokha comb. A short-sleeved tunic covered with iron scales resembling the one on the horserider was found at the entrance to the chamber. There were also the bronze greaves nearby. Adding to these three coincidences the fact that the comb was placed near the head of the deceased, the author of this article finds it logical to conjecture that it was most likely the very person represented as the horserider on the comb who was buried in the second Solokha chamber. You can take a closer look at the central figure of the composition here. This supposition would explain why the horserider is portrayed with his helmet not covering his face during the battle. When one comes to think of it, wearing a bronze helmet the way it is shown would be very inconvenient and very dangerous – apart from the obvious threat to receive a blow to the open face, the helmet could shift, and could fall distracting a fighter at the most crucial moment. The most obvious reason why an artist would want to represent someone with a helmet in such a position, was if he or she wanted to show the fighter’s face. This can also explain why the comb was placed close to the face of the deceased warrior king – so that people could see and compare. Also, after the resurrection, the warrior would “wake up”, take the comb and remember his previous life instantly. The Scythians believed in the resurrection centuries before the Christian era – for details see “Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv Rus” book. Next Part >

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