Yin-Yang symbol originated in the area of present-day Ukraine

The earliest known depiction of Yin-Yang symbol belongs to the Trypillia culture and dates to 5200 B.C. The oldest preserved drawing...

Megalithic Ukraine migrants built Stonehenge and founded Troy and Mycenae?

According to the Wiltshire Museum, the man buried close to Stonehenge in the Bush Barrow, was given Britain’s richest Bronze Age...

Athenian-type helmet from Scythian barrow in Ukraine

In 1845, near the village of Zvenyhorodka in the Cherkasy oblast of Ukraine, a notable barrow was opened. The barrow was...

Gold Deer Plaques on Human Skull: Synjavka Scythian barrow in Ukraine

The human skull covered with gold plates of two patterns was found in the central chamber of a Scythian barrow near...
Cloth w/ ornaments from Kyiv barrow, c 10 century

Heart-shaped ornamentations on Kyiv Rus textiles 1000 years ago. ‘Sacral Ivy’?

What could that ornamentation be? The author of this article thinks that it is a representaion of an ivy leaf. We...
Sun above the Golden Gate in Kyiv during WInter Solstice

Kyiv Golden Gate at Winter Solstice

The picture was taken by the author of this post at noon (13 o'clock 'winter time') on December 20, 2023. The...

Battle of Pygmies and Cranes: Pre-Homeric route from Scythia to Africa

Homer in the Iliad: With shouts the Trojans, rushing from afar,  Proclaim their motions, and provoke the war  So when inclement winters vex the plain  With...

Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti

"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus...

Name of Iraq capital ‘Baghdad’ consists of two words – ‘Bog’ (God) and ‘Dat’...

According to Wikipedia, "the name Baghdad is pre-Islamic, and its origin is disputed. The site where the city of Baghdad developed...
Yin-Yang geometry

Could Trypillian/Ukrainian ‘Yin-Yang’ be related to Megalithic stone circles in Britain?

From around 1933 to 1977, Professor of Engineering at Oxford Alexander Thom spent most of his weekends and holidays surveying megalithic...

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