Most famous Scythian silver Amphora/Vase from Chertomlyk Royal Kurgan in Ukraine
The Amphora was found in 1863 in an impressive kurgan in the vicinity of Nikopol city in Ukraine and instantly taken to Hermitage. The...
Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...
In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The pieces of pottery...
Alexandropol Scythian Royal Kurgan in Ukraine: Chief of ‘Big Barrows’
A century ago, British academic Dr. E. Minns concluded that the finest of the Scythian kurgans were "about the bend of the Dnépr, near...
Athenian-type helmet from Scythian barrow in Ukraine
In 1845, near the village of Zvenyhorodka in the Cherkasy oblast of Ukraine, a notable barrow was opened. The barrow was different from the...
Ukrainian language is likely the closest to original Proto-Indo-European language
British philologist William Jones in early 1786 voiced his famous "Phililoger Passage" which is considered the beginning of Indo-European studies. Here is what Jones...
Scythian ceremonial gilded silver cup from Gaimanova Mogila Royal Kurgan in Ukraine
"The most outstanding work of Scytho-Classical art found in the Gaimanova Mogila kurgan is a small spherical gilded silver cup, with two flat horizontal...
Yin-Yang symbol was created in more northern area than China?
The theory that the original Yin-Yang symbol described the change of a pole’s shadow length during a year corresponds well with the meaning of...
Scythian Battle-Scene Golden Comb from Solokha Royal Kurgan in Ukraine
A true masterpiece of Scythian metalwork, an extraordinary Gold Comb crested with fighting Scythians was discovered in Solokha Royal Kurgan in Zaporizhzhia region of...
Proto-Indo-European homeland was in what is today Ukraine, – American Professor
"I believe with many others that the Proto-Indo-European homeland was located in the steppes north of the Black and Caspian Seas in what is...
Kyiv (Kyawh) was famous for its textile in the 10th c. even in Asia...
"The cloth of these lands and localities is famous, especially that of their capital, which is called Kyawh. Famous and noted cities of the Rus are Crsk and Hrqh." A...