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Cradle of Civilizations, Trypillia

Artemis’ Cult originated in Taurica, present-day Crimea?

"Properly speaking Artemis stands for something different from either Demeter or Aphrodite. She stands for the fact of life itself as it exists in...
Scythian (?) shirt, Rossava village Royal Barrow, 1877

Kyiv (Kyawh) was famous for its textile in the 10th c. even in Asia...

"The cloth of these lands and localities is famous, especially that of their capital, which is called Kyawh. Famous and noted cities of the Rus are Crsk and Hrqh." A...

Circular city of Baghdad and its predecessors

The picture in the previous article shows how the round city of Baghdad looked in 768 AD after its construction was completed. The city's...

The Rus on al-Kashgari Map of 1074

According to Wikipedia, "Mahmud al-Kashgari was an 11th-century Kara-Khanid scholar and lexicographer of the Turkic languages from Kashgar. His father, Husayn, was the mayor of Barsgan, a town in the southeastern part...

Odysseus-type ship discovered in the Black Sea became the oldest intact shipwreck known to...

"Oct. 2018. BULGARIA. Archaeologists have found what they believe to be the world’s oldest intact shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea where...

Scythian Goddess Argimpasa [Aphrodite Ourania] Pole-Top

Scythian bronze Pole-top: a Scythian goddess, 4th c. B.C., Alexandropol Kurgan, Dnipro region, Ukraine. Scholars like M. Rostovtzeff thought that the goddess was Argimpasa: "......

Name of Iraq capital ‘Baghdad’ consists of two words – ‘Bog’ (God) and ‘Dat’...

According to Wikipedia, "the name Baghdad is pre-Islamic, and its origin is disputed. The site where the city of Baghdad developed has been populated...

Zoroastrian Fire Worship and Purification of Metals: How and Where the Crucible ‘Damascus’ Steel...

In her PhD dissertation 'Crucible Steel in Central Asia: Production, Use, and Origin' presented at the University of London (available at, Anna Marie...
Stolen from Melitopol Museum by Moscow ossupants during 2022 invasion

Taurians or Tauroscythians

Wikipedia: "The Tauri (/ˈtaʊəri/; Ταῦροι in Ancient Greek), or Taurians, also Scythotauri, Tauri Scythae, Tauroscythae (Pliny, H. N. 4.85) were an ancient people settled on the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, inhabiting...

The Rus raided Spain’s Seville in 844 AD arriving on boats. Arabic sources called...

Ya'qubi (died 897/8), also referred to as al-Yaʿqūbī, was an Arab Muslim Geographer born in Baghdad. Introduction to a recent publication of his work states...