Home Cradle of Civilizations, Trypillia

Cradle of Civilizations, Trypillia

Cloth w/ ornaments from Kyiv barrow, c 10 century

Heart-shaped ornamentations on Kyiv Rus textiles 1000 years ago. ‘Sacral Ivy’?

What could that ornamentation be? The author of this article thinks that it is a representaion of an ivy leaf. We...

Mezhyrich Mammoth Bone Hut is the most ancient human architecture known on earth. It...

In 1965 in central Ukraine, a farmer expanding his cellar dug up the lower jawbone of a mammoth and other large...

Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti

"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus...
Sun above the Golden Gate in Kyiv during WInter Solstice

Kyiv Golden Gate at Winter Solstice

The picture was taken by the author of this post at noon (13 o'clock 'winter time') on December 20, 2023. The...

Cromlech/ Stone Circle inside Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan

A cromlech is a megalithic circle made of large stones arranged vertically, often around a tomb or place of worship. (Stonehenge is the...

Ariadne, Labyrinth dance, spindle-whorls in Scythian tombs

Homer in the Iliad wrote that "Daedalus in Cnossos once contrived; A dancing-floor for fair-haired Ariadne" and scholars are confident that...
Yin-Yang geometry

Could Trypillian/Ukrainian ‘Yin-Yang’ be related to Megalithic stone circles in Britain?

From around 1933 to 1977, Professor of Engineering at Oxford Alexander Thom spent most of his weekends and holidays surveying megalithic...

Tauric Chersonesus in Crimea vandalized by Russians in 19th century, – description by British...

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe: "The country included...

The Sea Peoples: Birds Followers?

In that short passage in the Iliad about the cranes flying from winter plains to the pigmies in the south there...

Alexandropol Scythian Royal Kurgan in Ukraine: Chief of ‘Big Barrows’

A century ago, British academic Dr. E. Minns concluded that the finest of the Scythian kurgans were "about the bend of...

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