The Slavs originated in the area of the Pripyat River in Ukraine, – ‘Manhunt:...
Per IMBD, the Manhunt: Unabomber series focuses on the FBI agent, a highly specialized linguist, who using unconventional means brought Ted Kaczynski, aka...
Rare Griffins on Frieze Vessel from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan
The frieze vessel was found in the same chamber as the priestess. In the first scene, one lion-headed and one eagle-headed...
World’s Oldest Gold in the Wealthiest Burial of the 5th Millennium B.C. First Kings...
In October 1972, near the modern-day city of Varna in Bulgaria a vast Copper Age necropolis dating to the 5th Millennium...
Ice Age Mammoth Ivory Art from Mezin Paleolithic site in Ukraine. Birthplace of Goddess...
American professor of literature Joseph Campbell in his famous book The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology shares quite an interesting observation on the culture of...
Amazon Sarcophagus from Terquinii, Etruscan Culture
The sarcophagus, painted with various scenes of an Amazonomachia, was discovered in 1869 in a grave at a little distance from Corneto,...
Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti
"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus...
Alexander Archipenko, Ukrainian prominent sculptor inspired by Scythian Art
M. Shkandrij in his 'Avant-Garde Art in Ukraine' published in Boston in 2019, wrote that Alexander Archipenko "called for a renewal of “ancient polychromy...
Alexandropol Scythian Royal Kurgan in Ukraine: Chief of ‘Big Barrows’
A century ago, British academic Dr. E. Minns concluded that the finest of the Scythian kurgans were "about the bend of...
Mezhyrich Mammoth Bone Hut is the most ancient human architecture known on earth. It...
In 1965 in central Ukraine, a farmer expanding his cellar dug up the lower jawbone of a mammoth and other large...
Gold Deer Plaques on Human Skull: Synjavka Scythian barrow in Ukraine
The human skull covered with gold plates of two patterns was found in the central chamber of a Scythian barrow near...