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Anacharsis, ‘Ukrainian’ Scythian Philosopher and Principles of Christian Frugality 500 years before Christ

Anacharsis was a legendary Scythian prince who made a trip to Athens in 6th century B.C. and made a friend with the famous Greek...

Scythian King Ateas defeated Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great,...

Ateas (ca. 429 BC – 339 BC) was described in Greek and Roman sources as the most powerful king of Scythia. His name also occurs as Atheas, Ateia, Ataias,...

Historian Strabo’s amazing knowledge of Crimean/ Tauric Landmarks

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe that he had with him...

Scythians and Cannabis: making clothes, steam-bathing, getting high

Did you know that when you say 'Cannabis' you 'speak Scythian'? If you did not know that, now you do, because according to Wikipedia,...

Trypillia Megasites: The first cities of humanity were not in Mesopotamia, but in Ukraine,...

6,000 years ago, people in the Eastern European forest-steppe built planned settlements with houses in concentric rings. Archaeologists argue about whether an egalitarian social...

Dnieper River in the 5th century B.C. Description by Herodotus

The fourth river is the Borysthenes, which is the largest after the Ister , and in our opinion the most productive, not only of...

Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti

"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus is Papaios, Gaia...

Scythians, the Yamnaya Culture offspring

Dr. David W. Anthony: "... Mobile pastoral nomadism of a new militaristic type appeared in the Iron Age with the Scythians. But the Scythians...

5,500 years-old Yamnaya settlement in Ukraine sheds light on the origins of the mysterious...

Mykhailivka, a village on the right bank of the Dnieper River in Ukraine, lies dangerously close to the front line of Russia’s war on its western neighbor....

Targitaos-Heracles, ‘Ukrainian’ forefather of Scythian Nation

"According to the Scythians, theirs is the youngest of all nations, and it came into existence in the following way. The first man born...