Scythian (?) shirt, Rossava village Royal Barrow, 1877

Kyiv (Kyawh) was famous for its textile in the 10th c. even in Asia...

"The cloth of these lands and localities is famous, especially that of their capital, which is called Kyawh. Famous and noted cities of...

Ukrainian language is likely the closest to original Proto-Indo-European language

British philologist William Jones in early 1786 voiced his famous "Phililoger Passage" which is considered the beginning of Indo-European studies. Here...

Proto-Indo-European homeland was in what is today Ukraine, – American Professor

"I believe with many others that the Proto-Indo-European homeland was located in the steppes north of the Black and Caspian Seas...

The earliest European proto-towns: Trypillia Mega-sites in Ukraine can be true Cradle of Civilization

One of the most famous Ukrainian archaeological sites - Maidanetske situated in Cherkassy oblast - can be a true Cradle of...

Megalithic Ukraine migrants built Stonehenge and founded Troy and Mycenae?

According to the Wiltshire Museum, the man buried close to Stonehenge in the Bush Barrow, was given Britain’s richest Bronze Age...
Yin-Yang geometry

Could Trypillian/Ukrainian ‘Yin-Yang’ be related to Megalithic stone circles in Britain?

From around 1933 to 1977, Professor of Engineering at Oxford Alexander Thom spent most of his weekends and holidays surveying megalithic...
Trypillian Vase, ca 4000 BC. National Museum of History of Ukraine. Photo by the author of the article

Yin-Yang symbol was created in more northern area than China?

The theory that the original Yin-Yang symbol described the change of a pole’s shadow length during a year corresponds well with...

Yin-Yang symbol originated in the area of present-day Ukraine

The earliest known depiction of Yin-Yang symbol belongs to the Trypillia culture and dates to 5200 B.C. The oldest preserved drawing...

Anacharsis, the Scythian philosopher and prince

Cicero: "Could the Scythian Anacharsis disregard money, and shall not our philosophers be able to do so? We are informed of...

Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...

In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The...

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