Kyiv Rus’ borders ca. 1000 A.D.

Although this map was published by National Geographic in 1987 and should be commended for marking what is now the present-day Kerch Strait...

Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv was of Tauroscythian Royal Descent. Just like Anacharsis and...

Byzantine court historian and chronicler Leo the Deacon who is particularly known for his eyewitness description of Sviatoslav I of Kyiv during the latter's invasion...
Cloth w/ ornaments from Kyiv barrow, c 10 century

Heart-shaped ornamentations on Kyiv Rus textiles 1000 years ago. ‘Sacral Ivy’?

What could that ornamentation be? The author of this article thinks that it is a representaion of an ivy leaf. We...

Constantinople Patriarchat publishes full version of historic arguments for Ukraine autocephapy

The historical reasons in support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s involvement in seeking a canonical resolution to the ecclesiastical anomaly in...

Ukrainian Cossacks Origin

"In 1492, the year Christopher Columbus landed on the Caribbean island he named San Salvador and King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella...

Gog and Magog of the Bible. Sviatoslav the Brave and the nation of Rosy....

Old Testament, Book of Ezekiel, 38, 1-3. "And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set...

In the 16th century a Ruthenian/Ukrainian woman was taken captive and brought to Istanbul...

Born in Ruthenia (now Rohatyn, Ukraine) to a Ruthenian Orthodox priest, she was captured by Crimean Tatars during a slave raid and eventually taken via the Crimean slave trade to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. She...

The Rus are a Great Nation living on the coast of the Black Sea...

al-Masudi (c. 896–956), was a historian, geographer, and traveler. He is sometimes referred to as the 'Herodotus of the Arabs'. A polymath and prolific author of over twenty...

10th century Kyiv Easter Egg discovered in Sweden

"Glazed ceramic Resurrection egg. The egg is made of glazed fired clay. It varies in colour from bright chocolate brown to...

Marble sarcophagus of King of Kyiv Rus Yaroslav the Wise and his wife Queen...

Weighing 6 tons, it is located at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine. Yaroslav the Wise married Ingegerd Olofsdotter, daughter of Olof Skötkonung, the...

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