The Rus are a Great Nation living on the coast of the Black Sea...

al-Masudi (c. 896–956), was a historian, geographer, and traveler. He is sometimes referred to as the 'Herodotus of the Arabs'. A polymath and prolific author of over twenty...

The most verbose of all the Varangian stones – the Turinge Runestone in Sweden...

" This is a runestone raised in the church of Turinge. It is in sandstone, in the style Pr4 and it was made in...

Name “Russia” as cover-up of Muscovy’s shameful history

Starting 1240 Moscow became not just a vassal to Golden Horde, but a COLLECTOR of the tribute from the kindred people...

The Rus raided the Caspian Sea on five hundred 100-men boats in 912, –...

al-Masudi (c. 896–956), was a historian, geographer, and traveler. He is sometimes referred to as the 'Herodotus of the Arabs'. A polymath and prolific author of over twenty...

+ULFBERH+T sword that most likely belonged to Kyiv King Sviatoslav the Brave

The sword was accidentally fished out from the Dnieper in 2011 at the spot where Sviatoslav died In battle in 972...

Lagertha could be a proper symbol of Kyiv Rus – Ukraine

Katheryn Winnick - born in Etobicoke, Ontario, and is of Ukrainian descent. She spoke Ukrainian as her first language and did not begin speaking English until she was eight...

Mysterious inscription of the 10th century Rus. Possible similarity with Phoenician script?

Ibn al-Nadim (died 995) was an important Muslim bibliographer and biographer of Baghdad who compiled the encyclopedia Kitāb al-Fihrist (The Book Catalogue). His work contains an interesting passage on the...

Kyiv Rus’ borders ca. 1000 A.D.

Although this map was published by National Geographic in 1987 and should be commended for marking what is now the present-day Kerch Strait...

Ukrainian Cossacks Origin

"In 1492, the year Christopher Columbus landed on the Caribbean island he named San Salvador and King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella...

In the 16th century a Ruthenian/Ukrainian woman was taken captive and brought to Istanbul...

Born in Ruthenia (now Rohatyn, Ukraine) to a Ruthenian Orthodox priest, she was captured by Crimean Tatars during a slave raid and eventually taken via the Crimean slave trade to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. She...

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