In the 16th century a Ruthenian/Ukrainian woman was taken captive and brought to Istanbul...

Born in Ruthenia (now Rohatyn, Ukraine) to a Ruthenian Orthodox priest, she was captured by Crimean Tatars during a slave raid and eventually taken via the Crimean slave trade to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. She...

St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv, Ukraine

St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery is situated on the central hill of Kyiv overlooking the Dnieper River and the northern part of Ukraine's...

Ukraine’s Stolen History, Stolen Culture, – The Atlantic Council

Mykola Gogol, Volodymyr the Great, the Kyivan Rus, Anne of Kyiv—all of this is Ukrainian, but has long been skillfully...

Novgorod the Great was a ‘Ukrainian’ city founded by Kyiv a century later than...

Per Wikipedia, Valentin Yanin (1929 - 2020) was a leading Russian historian who authored 700 books and articles whose expertise was especially Novgorod the...

Harold Hardrada while serving as the commander of the Byzantine Varangian Guard, sent his...

" When he was fifteen years old, in 1030, Harald fought in the Battle of Stiklestad together with his half-brother Olaf Haraldsson (later Saint Olaf)....

Mystery of How Kyiv Shaped Early Christianity in Norway

The third largest Norwegian city is Trondheim. It is best known for being linked to unruly Viking kings but now it turns...

Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...

In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The...

In 12th century the land is first mentioned as Ukraine. Russia does not exist

For the first time Ukraine was mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle. Not Little Rus’ or something else, but Ukraine.  Nobody heard about Moscow and...

History of Rus-Ukraine, history of Muscovy-Russia

The "Gardariki, Ukraine" e-book below explains why it is so.

Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv was of Tauroscythian Royal Descent. Just like Anacharsis and...

Byzantine court historian and chronicler Leo the Deacon who is particularly known for his eyewitness description of Sviatoslav I of Kyiv during the latter's invasion...

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