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Harold Hardrada, Last Viking King, while serving as the commander of Byzantine Varangian Guard,...

"When he was fifteen years old, in 1030, Harald fought in the Battle of Stiklestad together with his half-brother Olaf Haraldsson (later Saint Olaf). Olaf...

During his speech in Kyiv in 1972, President Nixon named Kyiv the “City of...

"As I think of a way to describe our feelings on this occasion, I noted that in history--and this city is...

In 12th century the land is first mentioned as Ukraine. Russia does not exist

For the first time Ukraine was mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle. Not Little Rus’ or something else, but Ukraine.  Nobody heard about Moscow and...

Putin makes another attempt to steal Ukrainian history

Do you want an example of a perverted logic of international scale? Here it is: In 2014 Putin annexes Crimea, part of Ukraine, on...

Name “Russia” as cover-up of Muscovy’s shameful history

Starting 1240 Moscow became not just a vassal to Golden Horde, but a COLLECTOR of the tribute from the kindred people...

Early Ukraine as part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Heirs of Kyiv Rus

Quotes below are from “The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999” by Yale Professor Dr. Timothy Snyder published in...

Putin says Ukraine joined Russia in 1645 which is a multiple level lie. (Quotes...

"Ukraine became part of the Russian Empire in 1645. Three regions, if we speak modern language: Kiev, Chernigov and current city...

Ukrainian Cossacks – the power of Freedom. (Quotes from a Harvard Professor’s book)

It's Harvard Professor Serhii Plokhy this time with the book "The Gates of Europe: The History of Ukraine"   ("An indispensable guide to tragic history"...

How Russia acquired brains and civilization for a while: Quotes from a Yale Professor’s...

Muscovy-Russia likes to portray itself as a creative and educated nation, while trying to portray countries like Ukraine as the backward...
“Mazeppa” by Louis Guisnet, 1874

Lord Byron’s one of the most famous poems devoted to Ukrainian Hetman Ivan Mazeppa

Mazeppa is a narrative poem written by the English romantic poet Lord Byron in 1819. It is based on a popular legend about the early...