Fingers point at Russian state over Petya hack attack on Ukraine, – Financial Times

“As important government systems have been targeted, then in case the operation is attributed to a state, this could count...

A nightmare foretold. Prophetic 1994 speech about current Russia’s aggression

"in 1994 the late Lennart Meri, then president of Estonia, gave a prophetic speech in Hamburg. The Kremlin had just growled...

‘Ukrainian David will defeat Russian Goliath’

Valeria Novodvorskaya was named "Don Quixote of Russian Democracy". Most likely, she was the last true representative of that class. "Publicist,...

Russia’s next target could be Ukraine, – prophetic 2008 article of WSJ

"Perhaps the most urgent question in the world affairs today is whether Russia's invasion and continuing occupation of Georgia was...

Ukraine’s new tank can take on Russia’s best, but Kyiv can’t afford it, –...

"When Kiev announced it would revive the same spirit of industry that bred its Soviet-era tank manufacture, boosting production for a new...

Thanks to Ukraine, the USA have New Generation Warfare Handbook

"Over the next few months, the Ukrainian military and volunteer militia fought back rather successfully. They pushed the separatists back to...

History as a Weapon in Russia’s War on Ukraine, – Atlantic Council

"We learn that “the Russians” suffered twenty-seven million losses before taking Berlin. Meanwhile, there is scant reference to the fact Ukraine saw...

‘We’ve learned so much from the Ukrainians’ – retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

"We've had to relearn a lot about fighting a peer adversary, such as the Russians. We've learned so much from...

Name “Russia” as cover-up of Muscovy’s shameful history

Starting 1240 Moscow became not just a vassal to Golden Horde, but a COLLECTOR of the tribute from the kindred people...

Hague International Court names Russian Federation as aggressor and occupant in Ukraine

88. In 2016, the Office made public its assessment that the situation within the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol would amount to an...

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