Lethal Kittens or how we came to Love our Shovels during a Limited Anti-Terrorist...

" A comic and dramatic story based on the real-life experiences of three volunteer soldiers and the Ukrainian Armed Forces in...

Mr Jones film highlights Welsh ‘unknown hero’ Gareth Jones – BBC

The film includes graphic depictions of the famine and details Soviet efforts to suppress the truth. It is inspired by the true...

William Taylor – Yes, Secretary Pompeo, Americans Should Care About Ukraine

Opinion | Yes, Secretary Pompeo, Americans Should Care About Ukraine - The New York Times Ukraine is defending itself and the West...

25 years ago by signing Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine gave away the third largest nuclear...

"The warheads atop the SS-19 and SS-24 ICBMs in Ukraine had explosive yields of 400-550 kilotons each — that is,...

Hague International Criminal Court publishes a Preliminary Report

"266. ...The Office also assessed that direct military engagement between the respective armed forces of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, indicated...

Infamous ‘Chicken Kiev Speech’ by George H. W. Bush in Ukrainian Parliament in 1991...

"This beautiful city brings to mind the words of the poet Alexander Dovzhenko: "The city of Kyiv is an orchard. Kyiv...

William Kurelek & his Ukrainian Maze

Future "Christian mystic, bestselling author and illustrator", William Kurelek was the eldest of the seven children of Ukrainian emmigrant family in northern Alberta and Manitoba....

Putin makes another attempt to steal Ukrainian history

Do you want an example of a perverted logic of international scale? Here it is: In 2014 Putin annexes Crimea, part of Ukraine, on...

Powerful speech in Canadian Parliament by “proud Ukrainian-Canadian” Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Chrystia Freeland who called herself a proud Ukrainian-Canadian delivered a strong speech in Canadian Parliament yesterday. "The single most important pillar of this, which...

War in Ukraine was years in the making – Atlantic Council


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