Morowlin, not Muromets, was the true name of the famous bogatyr of Kyiv Rus
In May of 1594, Erich Lassota von Steblau, a special envoy of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II to the Zaporozhian Cossacks arrived in Kyiv. The Holy...
‘Russians’ have been sadistic cowards all their history. Ivan the Terrified is a symbol...
In 2022, the civilized world shuddered with horror at the images of executed civilians in the city of Bucha. Then there was the bombed...
‘Russians’ are the Volga Finns, not Slavs
Waiver: All nations are equal and the Finns are one of the most advanced nations in Europe these days. The reason for writing this...
‘The Tale of Igor’s Campaign’ is a Ukrainian epic about repelling Asiatic forces including...
Per Wikipedia, 'The Tale of Igor's Campaign' is an anonymous epic poem written in the Old East Slavic language. Britannica calls the poem 'The...
Name of Lithuanian capital Vilnius may have derived from Ukrainian word “vilnyi” which means...
Speaking of Kyiv, by 1327, Kyiv had freed itself from the Mongols and had been part of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania for 7...
Map of Ukraine from the Paris Peace Conference in 1919
The map is surprisingly close to the borders of Kyiv Rus 1000 years ago. At that time, the area of present-day "Russia" was a...
Russia always was Rotten Spot of Civilization
For people who think that the formation that calls itself "Russia" got bad only with midget Putin getting into office, or "broke bad" a...
Was Ukraine Independent in the 16th century? Emperor Rudolph II thought so
In May of 1594, Erich Lassota von Steblau, a special envoy of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II to the Zaporozhian Cossacks arrived in Kyiv....
‘Ukraine – Pays des Cossaques’ Map of 1670, Putin’s Geographic Blunder
May 23, 2023. "Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday cited a 17th-Century map of Europe to back his discredited thesis that Ukraine isn't a real...