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Taurians or Tauroscythians

Wikipedia: "The Tauri (/ˈtaʊəri/; Ταῦροι in Ancient Greek), or Taurians, also Scythotauri, Tauri Scythae, Tauroscythae (Pliny, H. N. 4.85) were an ancient people settled on the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, inhabiting...

Ballistic missiles deployed to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of...

The book 'Rockets and People' is part of the NASA History Series. It was written by the Soviet Academician Boris Chertok. The Preface to...

Taras Shevchenko Memorial in Washington, DC

The monument of Taras Shevchenko, 19th century Ukrainian poet and fighter for the independence of Ukraine and the freedom of all mankind, who under...

Kyiv’s Independence Square (Maidan) as seen by John Steinbeck after WW2,...

“We tried to read a little of the plane, and promptly went to sleep. And when we were awakened, we were over the flat...

Cossacks Spirit & Hopak Dance

"..when Kozaks returned victorious after battle. Kobzars and other musicians would gather their instruments - violins, bagpipes, cimbaloms and fifes - while other participants would dance. These...

John Steinbeck describes post-WW2 Ukraine. (1946 Kyiv trip)

Excerpts are from “A Russian Journal” written by John Steinbeck after his trip with a famous war photographer Robert Capa to the Soviet Union...

Must Read

Oguz Scythian Royal Kurgan: Second Largest in Ukraine

With 20m in height, Oguz was the second-largest Scythian barrow situated in the lower Dnieper area. Alexandropol Kurgan was the first with 24m, Chertomlyk...

This man coined the word ‘Genocide’. Here is Dr Lemkin’s speech...

Rafał Lemkin was a lawyer of Polish-Jewish descent who is best known for coining the word genocide in 1943 or 1944 from genos (Greek for family, tribe, or race) and -cide (Latin for killing) (Wikipedia). On September...

Ivan Kozhedub, a Ukrainian, was the highest scoring Allied and Soviet...

Unfortunately, after World War II, he remained in the military and went on to command the 324th Fighter Aviation Division during Soviet operations in...

Ukrainian Zaporizhian Cossack Legendary Warrior: Cameroon Silver Coin

In 2021, The Republic of Cameroon minted 500 coins with the image of a Ukrainian Zaporizhian Cossack as part of its Legendary Warriors coins...

Pink lake in Ukraine attracts visitors for beauty, therapeutic healing –...


Ukraine’s new tank can take on Russia’s best, but Kyiv can’t...

"When Kiev announced it would revive the same spirit of industry that bred its Soviet-era tank manufacture, boosting production for a new tank vehicle by...

US General’s opinion of Ukrainian Soldiers

Also, according to Newsweek, Pentagon rated the effectiveness of the Ukrainian Army '12 out of 10'.

Scythian Warlord from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan

Chochorowski, Skoryj in the Bolshoi Ryzhanovsky Kurgan book: "Beginning from the entrance, the burial chamber was divided for most of its length by a partition...

Ukraine is Not Russia. Crane vs Bear

In the famous movie The Transporter with David Statham it is put in basicly two phrases with deep meanings: "we are different people in heart and mind" (please...

‘Kremlin’ derives from Tartar word for fortress

British traveler of the 18th century Dr. Clarke sounded very confident describing the etymology of the word 'Kremlin'. In his bestselling book 'Travels in...