Who really owns borsch – BBC

"The problem with this statement is that Ancient Rus was centred in Kyiv (Kiev in Russian), now the capital of Ukraine. Over the...

Situla from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan

Situla (plural situlae), from the Latin word for 'bucket' or 'pail', is the term in archaeology and art history for a variety of elaborate bucket-shaped vessels...

Mezhyrich Mammoth Bone Hut is the most ancient human architecture known...

In 1965 in central Ukraine, a farmer expanding his cellar dug up the lower jawbone of a mammoth and other large bones. Further excavations...

How Australia Welcomed ‘Sky Monster’ – AN-225 Mriya


‘Ignorant, superstitious, cunning, brutal, barbarous, dirty, mean’ – Dr. Clarke’s description...

“They are all, high and low, rich and poor, alike servile to superiors; haughty and cruel to their dependents; ignorant, superstitious, cunning, brutal, barbarous,...

Unique Royal Hat of a Rus ruler from a barrow near...

The hat was discovered in 1877 by archaeologist Samokvasov in the same barrow as the shirt mentioned in the previous article. The hat is...

Must Read

Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti

"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus is Papaios, Gaia...

Name “Russia” as cover-up of Muscovy’s shameful history

Starting 1240 Moscow became not just a vassal to Golden Horde, but a COLLECTOR of the tribute from the kindred people around itself for...

Ukrainian Premium Dish

The full story behind John Steinbeck's quote can be read here. Why borscht is a Ukrainian meal and not Russian is explained here. Borscht...

FC Liverpool’s guide to Kiev for the Champions’ League Final

"With thousands of Liverpool supporters travelling to Kiev for the Champions League final against Real Madrid on Saturday, we've put together a handy guide...

Artemis’ Cult originated in Taurica, present-day Crimea?

"Properly speaking Artemis stands for something different from either Demeter or Aphrodite. She stands for the fact of life itself as it exists in...

Peter I was known as Tzar of Moscovy until he captured...

In the previous article, we quoted a famous British writer John Evelyn whose property Peter I destroyed while living in it for three months. Notably, John...

Old Scythia of Herodotus. Where was it? How old could it...

"Old Scythia starts from the Ister and continues, facing the south and south wind, up to the city called Kerkinitis. From there, extending...

In 1918, the Kuban People’s Republic voted to join Ukraine. Moscow...

Kuban People's Republic was an anti-Bolshevik state during the Russian Civil War, comprising the territory of the Kuban region in Russia. The republic was proclaimed...

Mykola Pymonenko whose works inspired Kazimir Malevich. His Hopak painting was...

Mykola Pymonenko was a Ukrainian realist painter who lived and worked in Kyiv. Pymonenko is best known for his urban and rural genre scenes of...

Secret of Moscovy’s Extraordinary Expansion to current ‘Russia’ borders? Slavery

Harvard Professor Richard Pipes starts a new chapter of his book "Russia Under the Old Regime" with the following quote of Sigismund Herberstein, a...

Another Russian warship reportedly on fire near Zmiiny island in Black...

Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate of the Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet is reportedly on fire near Zmiiny island in the Black Sea. Multiple aircraft, rescue...