Scythian Vessel with Hunting Scenes from Solokha Kurgan


The vessel has two hunting scenes in relief. In the first scene, two horseriders hunt a lion. The left horserider is shooting a bow, the rider on the right side was trying to hit the lion with a spear. The lion managed to break the spear and is about to attack the horse of the rider with the spear. In this scene, two dogs are present; the scholars think that they are of the “primitive greyhound” breed.

Solokha vessel detail 2
Detail of the first scene on the solokha vessel

In the second scene, two horseriders hunt, what the sholars are inclined to think, a lioness with the goat’s horns, but it is possible that it was some fantastic animal.

Solokha vessel 2
Detail of the second scene on the solokha vessel, 4th c. Bc

The horseriders wear the same kind of trousers as on the Solokha comb with similar ornamentation – stripes, circles, crosses. They wear shoes without heels. All of them have long hair, which was their typical hairdo. (“Royal Scythia” book has more on the topic).

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