Women Ukraine is Proud of


Every nation honors their mothers, sisters, daughters. Ukraine does too. Ukraine has all the reason to be proud of its women and here are several reasons why:

In Politics

Anne of Kiev – Queen of France, daughter of Yaroslav the Great who married French King who, unlike his wife could not even read. Anna wrote to her father that she found her new land “a barbarous country where the houses are gloomy, the churches ugly, and the customs revolting.”

Meaning that Paris of her days could not compare to Kyiv!

Anna will change the situation and put France on the way which will gradually lead it to what it is now.

Anna will be the first to call her son and future king Philip (and there will be more Philips after him)

Anna will be the first Queen of France to serve as regent when her husband died and her son Philip needed some 7 more years to come of age.

In many senses Anna become the Mother of the French nation  (Kings’ dynasty for sure) and many monuments show that people still remember her.

Roxolana – her story remotely resembles the story of the Biblical Joseph because she also was brought into the country (Turkey) as a slave, but became one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman history. In some sense, she become the Mother of Ottoman Empire.

In Arts

Kateryna Bilokur – the painter whose works were praised by Pablo Picasso himself (brief video)

Anna Akhmatova (Gorenko) – a famous Kyiv poet, one of the most acclaimed writers of the former Soviet Union.

In War

Yevdokia Zavaliy – the ONLY woman in Red Army during WW2 to command Marine squad

Lyudmila Pavlichenko – the best lady sniper of WW2 or possibly in the whole history. Personal friend of the Eleanor Roosevelt, First USA Lady. There is a powerful movie devoted to the story.

In Movies

Natalie Wood is Natalia Nickolaevna Zakharenko came to the USA with her parents from Kharkiv.

Milla Jovovich who calls herself “a humble Ukrainian girl”. Milla nicely sings beautiful Ukrainian folk


Katheryn Winnick – a Ukrainian-Canadian “Viking“.

Nina Arianda – “Goliath” movie actress and not only 

In Sports

Oksana Baiul – the first figure skater to win winter Olimpic Gold Medal for independent Ukraine

Anna Muzychuk – Chess Champion (in blitz & quick chess) of the World

Victoria Motrichko – one of the best Draughts players in the World

Ukrainian Biathlon Women Team – true heirs of Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Video of one of the most memorable Relay competition this winter with last 20 minutes being a true thriller.

Synchronized Swimming Team – last week they won all gold medals in Toronto World Series in all 6 categories they participated. Fina.org official site

Please do so to the melody of the famous Ukrainian song “My dear Mother” performed by the famous Ukrainian-American singer  Kasey Cisyk, whose real first name is Kvitka meaning “Flower” in Ukrainian and “KC” is just abbreviation.

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