During his speech in Kyiv in 1972, President Nixon named Kyiv the “City of...
"As I think of a way to describe our feelings on this occasion, I noted that in history--and this city is...
Ukrainian Folk-Dance Solo on a Canadian TV Show
Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...
In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The...
“Tunnel of Love” originally was used to conceal the transport of military hardware –...
In the centuries-old city of Klevan, Ukraine, a railroad track cuts through the trees shaping a tunnel, appropriately named the...
Outstanding Ukrainian Planes
- Antonov An-2 recently has been included in the Guiness Book of Records as the only plane that's been in production for 70 years!! Unfortunately, some...
The World’s First Kidney Transplant by Ukrainian Dr. Yurii Voronyi in 1933
Yurii Voronyi (1895-1961) was the first doctor in the world to perform renal transplantation in the clinic. The operation was conducted...
In 1710 the Ukrainian Cossacks drafted one of Europe’s first state constitutions, which had...
The world’s first railway electrification system and electric tram were invented by Ukrainian Fyodor...
"..engineer of Ukrainian origin and inventor of the world's first railways electrification system and electric tram. While the commercialization of his...