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Old Scythia of Herodotus. Where was it? How old could it be?

"Old Scythia starts from the Ister and continues, facing the south and south wind, up to the city called Kerkinitis. From there, extending...

Tauric Chersonesus in Crimea vandalized by Russians in 19th century, – description by British...

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe: "The country included within the isthmus...

Wantonly destroying what is prized by enlightened nations is the Russians’ most striking national...

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe: "The town of Kertchy, standing on...

The Slavs originated in the area of the Pripyat River in Ukraine, – ‘Manhunt:...

Per IMBD, the Manhunt: Unabomber series focuses on the FBI agent, a highly specialized linguist, who using unconventional means brought Ted Kaczynski, aka the "Unabomber", to...

Amazon Sarcophagus from Terquinii, Etruscan Culture

The sarcophagus, painted with various scenes of an Amazonomachia, was discovered in 1869 in a grave at a little distance from Corneto, a city in...

Alexander Archipenko, Ukrainian prominent sculptor inspired by Scythian Art

M. Shkandrij in his 'Avant-Garde Art in Ukraine' published in Boston in 2019, wrote that Alexander Archipenko "called for a renewal of “ancient polychromy which is far...

Ice Age Mammoth Ivory Bracelets from Mezin in Ukraine May Be the Most Ancient...

Iryna Vavilova and Tetyna Artemenko from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine in their 2009 article ‘The ancient cultural framework of...

Ice Age Mammoth Ivory Art from Mezin Paleolithic site in Ukraine. Birthplace of Goddess...

American professor of literature Joseph Campbell in his famous book The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology shares quite an interesting observation on the culture of the area and...

Should Ukraine return to Crimea its historic name of Taurica?

Wikipedia quote: "Called the Tauric Peninsula until the early modern period (16-19th c.), Crimea has historically been at the boundary between the classical world and the steppe......

Achilles and Ukraine

“Sing, Goddess, of the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles,” is the opening line of the Iliad. Achilles was the warrior who became the very symbol...