Trypillian Vase, ca 4000 BC. National Museum of History of Ukraine. Photo by the author of the article

Yin-Yang symbol was created in more northern area than China?

The theory that the original Yin-Yang symbol described the change of a pole’s shadow length during a year corresponds well with...

10th century Kyiv Easter Egg discovered in Sweden

"Glazed ceramic Resurrection egg. The egg is made of glazed fired clay. It varies in colour from bright chocolate brown to...

Kazimir Malevich showed the tragedy of Holodomor, himself fell victim to Stalinism

“Malevich was the only artist who showed the tragic situation of the Ukrainian peasants during forced collectivization in the USSR” –...

Source of the centuries-long conflict and European wars: Ukraine-Russia Orthodox matter explained using Yale...

Quotes below are from "The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999" by Timothy Snyder published in 2003 (the publishing year should...

Odesa, the craddle of Israeli culture, enjoys a Jewish Rennaissance

The history of Odessa is also the history of Tel Aviv. Long before the State of Israel was founded, the...

John Steinbeck on Ukrainian bee farm

"We moved on to a flowered meadow where there were hundreds of beehives, and a little tent where the beekeeper lived....

Constantinople Patriarchat publishes full version of historic arguments for Ukraine autocephapy

The historical reasons in support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s involvement in seeking a canonical resolution to the ecclesiastical anomaly in...

Historic Event – Holy Synod proceeds to the granting of Autocephaly to the Church...

4) To revoke the legal binding of the Synodal Letter of the year 1686, issued for the circumstances of that time,...

Miss Ukraine at the Miss Universe Pageant

Did you know of the presense of the Amazons Female Warriors in the area of present-day Ukraine?

Mykola Pymonenko whose works inspired Kazimir Malevich. His Hopak painting was bought by the...

Mykola Pymonenko was a Ukrainian realist painter who lived and worked in Kyiv. Pymonenko is best known for his urban and rural...

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