Scythian Gryvna/Torque from Solokha Royal Barrow

Torque with terminals in the form of lion's heads and filigree plant ornament with colored enamels, 4th century BC. Zaporizhzhia oblast...

Most famous Scythian silver vase/amphora from Chertomlyk Kurgan

The amphora was found in an impressive kurgan in the vicinity of Nikopol city in Ukraine. It dates to the 4th...

Scythian Colored Ornament Patterns on Leather from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan

The man in the central grave of Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan had a cuirass on him. The cuirass pauldrons (shoulder pads) had...

Scythians making human leather of their enemies described by Herodotus has been confirmed by...

Ancient nomads known as the Scythians did indeed use human skin for the containers that held their arrows—confirming the account of...

Scythian Funeral Cart from Alexandropol Kurgan

During the summer of 1856, A.E. Liutsenko reported finding the remains of a Scythian funeral cart in the kurgan. Considering its...

Solokha Royal Scythian Kurgan

The Solokha barrow, on the left bank of the Dnieper River, not far from the city of Nikopol in central Ukraine,...

Grasshoppers on Golden Pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla

The ends of the lower zone of the Pectoral terminate in the hounds coursing hares and grasshoppers confronting each other. Already...
Sun above the Golden Gate in Kyiv during WInter Solstice

Kyiv Golden Gate at Winter Solstice

The picture was taken by the author of this post at noon (13 o'clock 'winter time') on December 20, 2023. The...

Scythian Warlord from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan

Chochorowski, Skoryj in the Bolshoi Ryzhanovsky Kurgan book: "Beginning from the entrance, the burial chamber was divided for most of its length...

Unique Royal Hat of a Rus ruler from a barrow near Kyiv

The hat was discovered in 1877 by archaeologist Samokvasov in the same barrow as the shirt mentioned in the previous article....

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