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Scythian Couple locked in loving embrace for 3,000 years found in burial in...

The burial of the Scythian pair, husband and wife was found in the Ternopil region in Ukraine. It dates to circa...

Funeral ritual performed by warriors of Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv after the Battle...

The battles during the Siege of Dorostolon were fought in 971 on Bulgarian soil between the Byzantine Empire and forces of Kyiv...

In antiquity, Ukrainian Snake island had Colossal statue of Apollo on it that was...

The authors of a recent article in The Daily Beast shared an opinion that according to the legends, "Achilles supposedly went...

Should Ukraine return to Crimea its historic name of Taurica?

Wikipedia quote: "Called the Tauric Peninsula until the early modern period (16-19th c.), Crimea has historically been at the boundary between the classical world...

Scythian Trousers

As can be seen in the title image, the horserider on the Solokha comb was portrayed wearing wide trousers known also...

Zoroastrian Fire Worship and Purification of Metals: How and Where the Crucible ‘Damascus’ Steel...

In her PhD dissertation 'Crucible Steel in Central Asia: Production, Use, and Origin' presented at the University of London (available at...

Zoroastrian Circular Cities: Darabgerd, Gur, Balkh

The city of Darabgerd was one of the most famous of the Persian cities. Its ruins are located 9 km southwest...

Scythian Heracles and Medusa gold plates from Chmyreva Barrow in Ukraine

"Harness and cars were decorated with all imaginable metal plates of gold or bronze. Especially important were the frontlets and cheek...

Amazons Female Warriors Burials in Scythia [present-day Ukraine]

Dr. Olena E. Fialko of Institute of Archaeology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in her recently published work "Scythian...

Scythian Wild Boar Silver Rhyton found in Ukraine but now in Louvre, France

From the little available information, the rhyton was stolen by Moscow and sold to France. Now in Louvre. "Royal Scythia, Greece, Kyiv...