Androphagi-Cannibals of the ancient Europe described by Herodotus lived in the area of present-day...

"These farming Scythians inhabit a land stretching eastward a three days' journey to a river called Panticapes, and northward as far...

Historian Strabo’s amazing knowledge of Crimean/ Tauric Landmarks

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe that he...

Scythian Battle-Scene Golden Comb from Solokha Kurgan in Ukraine

Famous Scythologist and Dr. of History Anastasia Mantsevich (1899-1982) in her book "Kurgan Solokha" wrote that the bronze helmet found on...

Dnieper River in the 5th century B.C. Description by Herodotus

The fourth river is the Borysthenes, which is the largest after the Ister , and in our opinion the most productive,...
Cloth w/ ornaments from Kyiv barrow, c 10 century

Heart-shaped ornamentations on Kyiv Rus textiles 1000 years ago. ‘Sacral Ivy’?

What could that ornamentation be? The author of this article thinks that it is a representaion of an ivy leaf. We...

Gold Phiale (Libation Bowl) from Solokha Scythian Kurgan

The phiale was found in the Solokha Royal Kurgan in Ukraine.

Situla from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan

Situla (plural situlae), from the Latin word for 'bucket' or 'pail', is the term in archaeology and art history for a variety of...

Scythian Sword and Sheath from Solokha Royal Kurgan

Both were found in the second chamber of Solokha Royal Kurgan in Ukraine.

Crane Dance and Hyperborean Cult in Ancient Greece

Below are several quotes from the works of Robert Graves: "It is not known what sort...

Priestess in Golden Tiara with Maenads from Great Ryzhanovka Kurgan in Ukraine

"In the northern part into which the passage led lay a narrow board 2m. long with a hole to hold the...

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