Sviatoslav the Brave of Kyiv was of Tauroscythian Royal Descent. Just like Anacharsis and...

Byzantine court historian and chronicler Leo the Deacon who is particularly known for his eyewitness description of Sviatoslav I of Kyiv during the latter's invasion...

Scythian Amazons’ Skincare

Herodotus in his 'Histories' wrote: "But the women pour water into a mixture of cypress, cedar, and frankincense wood, which...

Oguz Scythian Royal Kurgan: Second Largest in Ukraine

With 20m in height, Oguz was the second-largest Scythian barrow situated in the lower Dnieper area. Alexandropol Kurgan was the first...

Ariadne, Labyrinth dance, spindle-whorls in Scythian tombs

Homer in the Iliad wrote that "Daedalus in Cnossos once contrived; A dancing-floor for fair-haired Ariadne" and scholars are confident that...

Scythians, the Yamnaya Culture offspring

Dr. David W. Anthony: "... Mobile pastoral nomadism of a new militaristic type appeared in the Iron Age with the Scythians....

‘God Pan playing flute and two goats’ on Scythian sword handle from Tovsta Mogyla...

In the triangle on the sword’s handle, there is a representation of the god Pan playing on his syringa (Pan flute...

Scythian Origin. Coloxais, King of Kings

"According to the Scythians, theirs is the youngest of all nations, and it came into existence in the following way. The...
Gold Comb, Solokha barrow, Ukraine

Scythians had enormous stature and were a terrifying sight for enemies

"In the daytime, however, the first thing to meet the Macedonians would be the terrifying sight of Scythians and Bactrians with...

Scythian Heracles and Medusa gold plates from Chmyreva Barrow in Ukraine

"Harness and cars were decorated with all imaginable metal plates of gold or bronze. Especially important were the frontlets and cheek...

‘Monkey and Cranes’ Gold Relief Overlay from Lytoi Scythian Kurgan in Ukraine

The two birds on the plaque were identified as cranes by Gerhard Friedrich Müller (although others see in them herons which...

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