After Warsaw Uprising of 1830, Moscow declared that the Poles form one nation with...

The editors of Edward Clarke's Travels in Russia, Tartary and Turkey published in 1839 in Edinburgh by William and Robert Chambers...

Helping Ukraine win is the best option for the West, allowing Russia to win...

The United States has a much higher stake in Russia's war on Ukraine than most people think. A Russian conquest of...

‘Neptune’ missile strike shows strength of Ukraine’s homegrown weapons – Washington Post

Soon after Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, a Ukrainian defense firm used an arms show in Kyiv to unveil...

Russian soldier’s first-aid kit vs Ukrainian one

Russian soldier's first-aid kit is above and a Ukrainian one below.

‘Russians’ are the Volga Finns, not Slavs

Waiver: All nations are equal and the Finns are one of the most advanced nations in Europe these days. The reason...

Hollywood star of Ukrainian descent Vera Farmiga joins campaign #ArmUkraineNow

She published her picture with the hashag at her Instagram page. Vera Farmiga is known for her roles in movies like Source...

Catherine II (‘the Great’) employed utmost artifice to keep secret the true history of...

Edward Daniel Clarke (1769-1822) wrote in his famous book 'Travels in Russia' which became a bestseller in 19th-century Europe: "There is nothing...

Russia steals grain from Ukraine. Uses the same wording as in Holodomor in 1932

Russia officially authorized robbing Ukraine of its grain. In the scanned document above, Krasnoyarsk legislators permit "expropriation of the surpluss of...

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