Anne of Kyiv became a Queen of France. By naming her first son and...

Henry died on 4 August 1060. He is buried in the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Upon his death, Anne became queen regnant for her young...

American Mathematical Society awards Maryna Viazovska with 2019 Satter Prize

Maryna Viazovska’s work has been described as “simply magical,” “very beautiful” and “extremely unexpected.”  Maryna Viazovska received her doctorate from the University...

SpaceX turns to Ukrainian AN-124 plane for emergency delivery of oversized rocket parts to...

"Jan 3, 2018 Subject: Request for Antonov Support SpaceX requests An-124 to transport rocket hardware (payload fairing halves) to expedite processing of the...

In 1710 the Ukrainian Cossacks drafted one of Europe’s first state constitutions, which had...


Ukraine’s Influence on the Runway Is Bigger Than You Think – Vogue


Ukrainian Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force credited for initiation of GPS: Michael...

But Yarymovych knew the idea of space-based navigation was beautiful; it just wasn’t being sold right. He went to his...

Ukrainian Village Named The Hottest in the U.S. by the Redfin

It is "tranquil", - quotes the "Just as typical Ukrainian spirit" - we would add

“Tunnel of Love” originally was used to conceal the transport of military hardware –...

In the centuries-old city of Klevan, Ukraine, a railroad track cuts through the trees shaping a tunnel, appropriately named the...

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