“Tunnel of Love” originally was used to conceal the transport of military hardware –...

In the centuries-old city of Klevan, Ukraine, a railroad track cuts through the trees shaping a tunnel, appropriately named the...

Mysterious Trypillia Culture in Ukraine was older than Egyptian and Sumerian ones. It constructed...

In the 1890s, while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in central Kyiv, Czech archaeologist Vikenty Khvoika discovered artifacts of a later civilization. The...

Most famous Scythian silver vase/amphora from Chertomlyk Kurgan

The amphora was found in an impressive kurgan in the vicinity of Nikopol city in Ukraine. It dates to the 4th...

Ivan Kharchenko personally defused more than 1500 bombs weighing more than 500 kilograms each...

A Soviet Army Military engineering Colonel and Hero of the Soviet Union, Kharchenko continued his military service until retirement...
The event captured by photographer Henry H. Barrett on February 3, 1896, in Dartmouth’s Reed Hall.

First ever X-ray in the US was performed on the invention of Ukrainian scientist...

“On January 19, 1896, young Eddie McCarthy of Hanover fell while skating on the Connecticut River and fractured his left wrist”....

Water ice in the Korolev crater on Mars

"The stunning Korolev crater in the northern lowlands of Mars is filled with ice all year round owing to a trapped layer of...

Kistiakowsky, Truman, Stalin, dental drill, 10-dollar bet with Oppenheimer: The Trinity Atomic Bomb Test...

On April 11, 1945, Oppenheimer sent Groves the news that Kistiakowsky had managed to produce implosive compressions so perfectly symmetrical that...

Scythian Vessel with Hunting Scenes from Solokha Kurgan

The vessel has two hunting scenes in relief. In the first scene, two horseriders hunt a lion. The left horserider is...
Trypillian Vase, ca 4000 BC. National Museum of History of Ukraine. Photo by the author of the article

Yin-Yang symbol was created in more northern area than China?

The theory that the original Yin-Yang symbol described the change of a pole’s shadow length during a year corresponds well with...

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