The world’s first railway electrification system and electric tram were invented by Ukrainian Fyodor...

" of Ukrainian origin and inventor of the world's first railways electrification system and electric tram. While the commercialization of his...

Scythian Vessel with Hunting Scenes from Solokha Kurgan

The vessel has two hunting scenes in relief. In the first scene, two horseriders hunt a lion. The left horserider is...

Gold Phiale (Libation Bowl) from Solokha Scythian Kurgan

The phiale was found in the Solokha Royal Kurgan in Ukraine.

Ukraine reactivates unique S-300V1 strategic air defence system

The unique features of S-300V1 air defense system consist in that is the world’s only truly mobile Anti Ballistic Missile...

Harold Hardrada while serving as the commander of the Byzantine Varangian Guard, sent his...

" When he was fifteen years old, in 1030, Harald fought in the Battle of Stiklestad together with his half-brother Olaf Haraldsson (later Saint Olaf)....

+ULFBERH+T sword that most likely belonged to Kyiv King Sviatoslav the Brave

The sword was accidentally fished out from the Dnieper in 2011 at the spot where Sviatoslav died In battle in 972...

World’s Strongest Plane – Ukrainian AN-124 Ruslan | Mega Machines

"The world's largest production cargo plane must carry a record-breaking load in a race against the clock. The Antonov 124...

Lviv: The Hidden Coffee Capital – FINANCIAL TIMES


The earliest European proto-towns: Trypillia Mega-sites in Ukraine can be true Cradle of Civilization

One of the most famous Ukrainian archaeological sites - Maidanetske situated in Cherkassy oblast - can be a true Cradle of...

Ivan Kozhedub, a Ukrainian, was the highest scoring Allied and Soviet fighter pilot of...

Unfortunately, after World War II, he remained in the military and went on to command the 324th Fighter Aviation Division during...

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