Ukraine’s Influence on the Runway Is Bigger Than You Think – Vogue


How Ukrainian hackers help out American farmers – Vice

It could be a funny situation, but the American farmers are very serious about it. They want to prove that after they...

Largest open-air museum in Europe

At the outskirt of Kyiv there is a unique Pyrohiv National Museum of Ukrainian Architecture & Culture which has examples of typical Ukrainian...

Ukraine – the Motherland of Commercial Beekeeping

Spring is in the air. Bees are in the air too - in a month the beekepers will have the first...

Largest Aviation Museum in Eastern Europe

CNN ranked it as # 6 in the WORLD actually. Ahead are only Aviation museums in France (1), UK (1) and the USA (3). "This museum houses one...

Toughest Open-Air Gym in Europe

It is situated right in the center of Kyiv, on the island amidst Dnieper river which divides Kyiv on two almost equal parts - "left...

Women Ukraine is Proud of

Every nation honors their mothers, sisters, daughters. Ukraine does too. Ukraine has all the reason to be proud of its women...

Death Match with Nazis, Three Best Players of the World, Top-10 Coach Ever –...

Dynamo Kiev is not just the best and most titled football team in the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe - the British...

William Kurelek & his Ukrainian Maze

Future "Christian mystic, bestselling author and illustrator", William Kurelek was the eldest of the seven children of Ukrainian emmigrant family in northern Alberta and Manitoba....

It’s Ukrainian Flying Fortress, not Russian

Just today came across an article titled "Russian Flying Fortress - A powerful monster comes back to life! Unbelievably cool" which...

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