Circular Settlements of Trypillya Culture 6000 years ago in Ukraine: prototype of Plato’s ideal...

According to Wikipedia, Trypillia culture was a Neolithic–Chalcolithic archaeological culture (c. 5500 to 2750 B.C.) of Eastern Europe... During its middle...

Ukrainian language is likely the closest to original Proto-Indo-European language

British philologist William Jones in early 1786 voiced his famous "Phililoger Passage" which is considered the beginning of Indo-European studies. Here...

The Sea Peoples: Birds Followers?

In that short passage in the Iliad about the cranes flying from winter plains to the pigmies in the south there...

Targitaos-Heracles, ‘Ukrainian’ forefather of Scythian Nation

"According to the Scythians, theirs is the youngest of all nations, and it came into existence in the following way. The...

Name of Iraq capital ‘Baghdad’ consists of two words – ‘Bog’ (God) and ‘Dat’...

According to Wikipedia, "the name Baghdad is pre-Islamic, and its origin is disputed. The site where the city of Baghdad developed...
Sun above the Golden Gate in Kyiv during WInter Solstice

Kyiv Golden Gate at Winter Solstice

The picture was taken by the author of this post at noon (13 o'clock 'winter time') on December 20, 2023. The...

Anacharsis, the Scythian philosopher and prince

Cicero: "Could the Scythian Anacharsis disregard money, and shall not our philosophers be able to do so? We are informed of...

‘Battle of Pygmies with Cranes’ theme in the Bosporan Kingdom: Flight of Soul to...

The legend of the Battle of Pygmies with Cranes was very popular in the Bosporan Kingdom in ancient times. As a...

‘Monkey and Cranes’ Gold Relief Overlay from Lytoi Scythian Kurgan in Ukraine

The two birds on the plaque were identified as cranes by Gerhard Friedrich Müller (although others see in them herons which...

Scythian Supreme Goddess Tabiti

"The Scythians worship only the following gods: Hestia above all, then Zeus and Gaia... Hestia in Scythian is called Tabiti, Zeus...

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