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Constantinople Patriarchat publishes full version of historic arguments for Ukraine autocephapy

The historical reasons in support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s involvement in seeking a canonical resolution to the ecclesiastical anomaly in Ukraine have been...

Ukraine’s Stolen History, Stolen Culture, – The Atlantic Council

Mykola Gogol, Volodymyr the Great, the Kyivan Rus, Anne of Kyiv—all of this is Ukrainian, but has long been skillfully and fraudulently presented...

Mystery of How Kyiv Shaped Early Christianity in Norway

The third largest Norwegian city is Trondheim. It is best known for being linked to unruly Viking kings but now it turns out to become...

Russia and Ukraine are locked in a legal dispute over ancient gold, – NBC

"AMSTERDAM — Ukraine and Russia are locked in another heated battle over Crimea. But this dispute is playing out in court, with the two neighbors locked...

Ukraine celebrates anniversary of Kyiv Rus Christianization

New perspective on Volodymir's ancestry and why he chose to be baptized in one of the most dangerous places for him, - Tauric Chersonesus...

Lagertha could be a proper symbol of Kyiv Rus – Ukraine

Katheryn Winnick - born in Etobicoke, Ontario, and is of Ukrainian descent. She spoke Ukrainian as her first language and did not begin speaking English until she was eight years old. She began...